Let Us Never Have to Celebrate a Presidential Election Like This Again

Will Leitch
4 min readNov 9, 2020

Of all the glorious celebrations to break out across this grand nation in the wake of the presidential race, finally, being called for Joe Biden on Saturday, my favorite might have been this one:

It is one thing to be so joyous by the defeat of Donald Trump that you jump on top of your car and start throwing impromptu block parties that last all day and night. It is quite another to decide that this occasion, right now, is when Christmas must start. That’s rejoicing. Christmas starts right now!

It was wonderful: Saturday’s sudden explosion of joy across our major American cities, cities that it turned out had not been burned down by Democratic mayors, was the release many Americans, most Americans, had been waiting for. It was just such a relief to know that, for all the challenges facing the Biden administration and all the divisiveness in this country, that guy will not be president very much longer. Joe Biden is a likable, good-hearted person who I believe will make a dully competent chief executive, but those people weren’t losing…



Will Leitch

Author of six books, including “How Lucky” and "The Time Has Come." NYMag/MLB.. Founder, Deadspin. https://williamfleitch.substack.com