How Scared Should We Be of Trump Running For President in 2024?

Could it possibly be a good thing?

Will Leitch


If you are the sort of person who thinks, “you know, I really miss the white-knuckling end-of-days terror of a Presidential election season,” well, you might just be in luck: 2024’s Presidential election may be starting much earlier than usual. Over the weekend, several reports surfaced that former President Donald Trump is considering announcing his candidacy for 2024 as early as this summer. This is unusually early, even in this day and age: Trump famously announced his 2016 candidacy, coming down that infamous escalator, on June 16, 2015, almost a full year later in the cycle than he would be announcing this time. (For his part, Joe Biden announced in April 2019.)

What’s most interesting about Trump making his announcement is that he’d be doing it from a position of weakness rather than strength. From CNN:

Some Trump allies have privately admitted that the House committee’s public hearings have proven more damaging than expected, as congressional investigators continue to air snippets of sworn testimony from current and former Trump advisers undermining his false claims about the 2020 election and raising new questions about his potential legal jeopardy.

The hearings have also clearly weighed on…



Will Leitch

Author of six books, including “How Lucky” and "The Time Has Come." NYMag/MLB.. Founder, Deadspin.